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Trespasso Meditation with a Partner
In this ten and half minute video, Gary guides retreatants in trespasso - the first in a cycle of gazing practices.
A distinctive feature of trespasso is that it is one of the few meditative practices that is done with a partner. (Gary often employs it in doing transpersonal couples counseling, for it gives couples—and quite literally—another way of looking at each other).
Like all forms of shamatha practice, trespasso calms and stabilizes the mind. But trespasso seems notable in that it seems to give even relative beginners to meditation some initial access to non-dual states.
Meditation With an Object: Looks Like Me
In the second gazing practice, retreatants rest their gaze upon an object - a photograph of the eighth century Tibetan sculpture known as "Looks Like Me." Here the cinematography of Marie Hetherington coalesces with the experience of retreatants in giving the vid's title an apt double entendre.
Mirror Gazing: Narcissus Unveiled
Retreatants use a mirror as their gazing object. If narcissism is taking ourselves to be what we are not, then at some point we might ask: Are we the image that we have of ourselves--whether grandiose or repulsive? Or are we a human form of something more boundless and mysterious?